
I am bored of this pattern now

Of being in love with you

It was a beautiful kaleidoscope from which I had seen hues

But now its broken

Its not even black

Its transparent

Makes me see the world as it is

I hate it

My muse is lost

I am no longer a poet

I dive deep in blue and wash away purple

I run round and round to come back to your words

Now I am looking for a point that joins the semicircles

I want to break it, break it forever

Go back to the Eden alone

I am no longer thinking about you

Its just the thoughts that keep coming back to you


The Man: JOE

Put your hand out the window
And turn back Joe.

Put your head out the window
And turn back Joe.

Your dog did his doodie on my lawn today
I just want you to take it away
All my kids want to do is go out and play
…on their lawn today.

Put your eyes in your head Joe
And take them home.

Put your hands where I can see ‘em
And take them home.

Your wife ran away and took your name plate
Have some shame Joe, these kids are seven and eight
Just go away, get a new date… Joe.

(Space for a face melting guitar solo, much like Jack Black in ‘School Of Rock’)

Joe you’re such a disgrace.
You come last in a one man race.
Now get away from me, Joe.

(All characters in this piece are fictitious. Except JOE, he’s the man)
