Friday, March 20, 2009

Limerick gibberish thrimelian slimmerick

Poems aren't always about languages.What if you don't know the language wont you enjoy it?

Eerum paravum chara varavum
Thar para maravum.
Nila thulla theera poruvum

- malayalimic

Kabee pal puraaiche
Pe-hee-rav maveeche
Mahee ron duveesche
Korovon lapiche
Haruva saba thapeese
Marapeetsee nabeelee.

- maslomic

Pre pruck posta poleneeesa
Pethro pillonpera pruva peera
Paras pruvassia pillon poopa
Piyin pyin pillapa peepa
Pelousmous porir pameel

- franpic

for poems like these who needs languages.


  1. porivana machulikskashahalam

    (Translation: Oink! Oink! Oink!)

  2. Author of this post...Please stand up!!!!Payal
