LOL (not!)

I stood there, alone
As they joyfully laughed
Just a step or two might have been taken
But for them, the happiness came floating on a raft.

I tripped and fell
For them it was sheer bliss
The smiles were enchanting
Even the blind eye couldn’t miss.

I wondered why they were doing this to me
I wondered why the happiness wasn’t new to me
I wondered why claps filled the sky
I wondered how
I wondered why

And then my heart sank deep
Into the pits, where memories sleep
‘Why?’ I found myself asking, once again.
I didn’t even speak a word to them
Yet, somehow, they were my friends.

So I let them laugh
I let them cry
I let them meet me, eye to eye.

That’s when I gladly upturned the frown.
After all, I’m just a Clown.


Anonymous said...

deep and sorrowful.

Anonymous said...

Sexy poem:) REALLY like it..

"A"ustin said...

Thanks ladies


(PS: this has got nothing to do with me having worked as a clown, like years ago! In case you're thinking otherwise :-P )


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