When i decided to write a random anthem, I gave myself a glass of bland rum
to write about .. ..............say....... Phantom.That purple skinned Ghost who walks.

Kit walker is his name. His ring, his claim to fame.
Superman,Spiderman? well... they're not the same
I feel like this is a game
to make things sound the same
Oh who is to blame !
payal i know this is lame.
two smileys for you dame :):)

oh how i want it to rhyme..feels like its crime
But my intentions prime, i want it to rhyme

What else can i do when there's no time
I cant do mime, blogs don't feature them

hah.. so much energy spent, i tend to mend this
as if there's a dent.no no wait .. this is the END.



Anonymous said...

atleast we got not one, but two smiles out of you. hehhehe
also, thank you for the end. =)
Rhyming isn't the in thing in the poetry world.

Anonymous said...

Awesome stuff. I really like it :)


Muebles said...

Alrite William Shakespearess, i will be seeking to learn from your poems ;)

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