I can't explain how excited I am to start this group.
For starters, the inspiration to start this group came from the movie Dead Poets Society featuring Robin Williams.
The basic idea of the group is that the members can put poems, stories, prose, or just random thoughts. The whole point is to start this “interesting” group where a bunch of like-minded people can meet and put their creative writing across and share it with each other.
The second level of this group will be (once I am sure it’s working!) to start a prose n verse session once a month at my house (or any other interesting venue) over coffee or food or beer or smokes or Old Monk...(whatever works).
In both the places (blog and the sessions), we can put our original stuff and also the stuff by other authors/poets that has inspired us at any given time!
Now that you are here, please feel free to change the layout or the name of the blog if you feel like. And ofcourse, start writing. :)
Also, anyone who lands here and interested in being a part of the group, please drop me a mail at lyricsandwords@gmail.com
PS: I have invited only a few people for now. If you know someone who would be interested in joining then please feel free to share the password and login ID.
2nd PS: Please write your name at the end of your posts. Thanks :)
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